Crème fraîche is similar to sour cream but is less sour, very rich and a little sweet. You can use it on anything — serve it over dessert or fresh fruit or use it as a decadent thickener for soups and sauces and is stand up well to higher temperatures. For the adventurous, there is also a different, modern version.
to make a solid 250 ml of the crème fraîche you want
- 1 cup heavy cream (35%)
- 2 tablespoons buttermilk
- Zest of one lemon (optional)
- Bring the cream to body temperature by heating it gently.
- Add the buttermilk.
- Pour the mixture into a glass jar or a plastic bowl and cover.
- If you want you can add the zest of one lemon for a vibrant fresh flavour.
- Let this sit in a warm area for about 24 (or up to 48) hours until it thickens. If your home is cool place the bowl in a bigger bowl of hot tap water. Replace as the water cools.
- It will get thick, rich and creamy. Refrigerate before serving to thicken completely.